Order from us

By ordering products and / or services with us, you enter into a contract for the purchase of products and / or the provision of services. Particular attention must be paid to ensure that the personal data provided at the time of the order are accurate and complete.

Any order placed with us is subject to product availability and our approval. Once you have placed an online order, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail (Order Confirmation). In the event that the products are not available, we will contact the buyer by phone or e-mail in order to offer an alternative product or the possibility of canceling the order.

The products and services purchased on our website are intended for personal use only and the buyer warrants that the products purchased are not intended for resale, unless he is registered with us as a reseller.

When placing an order on our website, you may be asked to provide a username and password. Make sure you keep this data in a safe place and don't share it with third parties.

We will do our best to take all precautions aimed at securely storing the data relating to the order and payment made; however, in the absence of negligence on our part, we cannot be held liable for any losses to the detriment of the purchaser in the event that third parties have unauthorized access to the data you provide when you access or order from the website.

The description and photos of the products ordered will be shown on our website when they are imported from our supplier's price list and may vary at each synchronization.

The photos may have colors that may vary in tone from the object once it has been discarded.

After placing the order, the buyer will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the order. The contract (Contract) will be considered stipulated only at the time of sending the Order Confirmation.


All prices shown on the website include VAT (where applicable), but not shipping costs.

Prices are subject to change at any time, however the changes do not affect orders for which we have already sent an Order Confirmation.

The total price for the products or services ordered, including shipping costs, will appear on the website at the time of the order. Payment by credit card will be charged at the time the order is placed and not at the time of shipment.

In case of payment by financing, the delivery must take place to the address provided in the relevant application form.